Irakli Chkuaseli, Developer in Tbilisi, Georgia
Irakli is available for hire
Hire Irakli

Irakli Chkuaseli

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Game Developer

Tbilisi, Georgia
Toptal Member Since
February 14, 2022

Irakli是一名拥有5年免费手机游戏开发经验的游戏开发者, mobile apps, and high-end titles for PCs and consoles. 他发行过2D和3D免费手机游戏, 首先作为初级软件工程师,后来作为团队领导. Passionate about clean, extendable, and highly optimized game code, Irakli is eager to tackle new challenges.


Golden Fox
Unity, c#,手机游戏开发,游戏开发,iOS, Android,电子游戏...
Sleepagotchi, Inc.
3D, 3D图形,Unity,虚幻引擎4,虚幻引擎,Unity3D,移动...
采购产品2D游戏,Unity, Unity3D, Unity2D, c#,游戏,2D, API集成,API, 3D...




Preferred Environment

Unity, JetBrains Rider, MacOS, Visual Studio, Windows, iOS, Android, Xbox, PlayStation

The most amazing... I've developed is Guns & Fury, 一个带有可定制角色的3D狂野西部决斗游戏, 为此我设计并实现了许多系统.

Work Experience

Lead Unity Developer

2019 - PRESENT
Golden Fox
  • 设计了一款3D动作游戏的完整代码架构.
  • 带领美工和程序员团队设计和开发一款手机游戏.
  • 设计并执行一个包含关卡、状态和升级的复杂道具系统.
  • 建立了一个复杂的角色创建和定制系统.
  • 创建服务器同步的物品商店和库存.
  • 开发自定义的引擎内工具,以帮助简化内容创建.
  • 实现布料,柔软的身体,和风模拟.
  • 整合奖励广告和跨平台应用内购买.
  • Implemented full server support for player data, achievements, leaderboards, and cross-platform saves.
Technologies: Unity, c#,手机游戏开发,游戏开发,iOS, Android,电子游戏, Unity3D, Unity3D AI, Unity3D GUI Development, Game Design, 2D Games, Firebase, PlayFab, Games, Multiplayer, API Integration, APIs, 3D, 3D Graphics, Blockchain, Mobile Games, Gameplay Development, Game Tools Development, JetBrains Rider

Senior Unity Developer

2022 - 2022
Sleepagotchi, Inc.
  • 设计并开发了针对移动设备优化的Unity 3D实时渲染解决方案.
  • 优化提供的3D资产实时渲染.
  • 创建了一个系统,允许动态3D房间使用定制的行业标准混合照明解决方案实时渲染.
  • 准备好的资产包,将从内容交付网络按需加载.
  • 实现基于体积物理的照明、雾和灰尘.
Technologies: 3D, 3D图形,Unity,虚幻引擎4,虚幻引擎,Unity3D,移动, Virtual Reality (VR), Architecture, iOS, API Integration, APIs, Games, Firebase, Mobile Game Development, Video Games, Mobile Games, C#, Game Tools Development, Game Development, JetBrains Rider

Senior Unity Developer

2022 - 2022
  • 创建一个自定义的基于物理的角色控制器.
  • 改编、修改和改进了一个用于2D横向卷轴游戏的开源能力系统.
  • 开发不同类型的武器和敌人的行为.
Technologies: 采购产品2D游戏,Unity, Unity3D, Unity2D, c#,游戏,2D, API集成,API, 3D, 3D Graphics, Firebase, Mobile Game Development, Video Games, Mobile Games, Gameplay Development, Game Tools Development, Game Development, JetBrains Rider

Senior Unity Developer

2022 - 2022
  • 创建了一个逼真的音频遮挡系统,用于虚拟3D环境中的视频和音频呼叫.
  • 开发了一个模块化的用户界面系统,可以在不同的项目中重用.
  • 为视频通信应用程序设计和创建动态,可重用的用户界面动画.
Technologies: Unity, C#, Unity3D, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), API Integration, APIs, 3D, 3D Graphics, Games, Mobile Game Development, Video Games, Mobile Games, Game Tools Development, Game Development, JetBrains Rider

Lead Unity Developer

2022 - 2022
Golden Fox
  • 在Unity中创建3D Web3游戏的整个代码架构.
  • 设计并实现了一个基于玩家拥有的nft重新创建3D角色模型的系统.
  • 致力于提供游戏的优化WebGL版本.
  • 执行一个优化和动态加载游戏资产的系统,以保持加载时间最短.
  • 使用定制的高性能解决方案烘烤和优化静态照明.
  • 创建了一个日夜系统,混合了几个烘烤的光图.
  • 为自动构建和部署配置了TeamCity CI/CD.
Technologies: Unity, Unity3D, Blender, C#, Game Development, Blockchain, Ethereum, Solana, Video Games, 2D Games, Game Design, Firebase, PlayFab, Games, API Integration, APIs, 3D, 3D Graphics, Mobile Game Development, Mobile Games, Gameplay Development, Game Tools Development, JetBrains Rider

Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2022
Champions Academy
  • 独自设计并开发了一个内部健身房管理系统.
  • 整合了现有的健身房硬件,允许健身房会员解锁旋转门,访问储物柜和淋浴.
  • 创建了一个数据积累和分析工具来监控用户活动, engagement, peak hours, and popular classes.
Technologies: ASP.NET Core, ASP.. NET Razor, c#, API, API集成,游戏,JetBrains Rider

Unity Developer

2017 - 2019
Golden Fox
  • 为一款2D格斗游戏执行核心玩法机制.
  • 执行游戏奖励、插页式广告和横幅广告.
  • 用Lua和SQL查询编写服务器后端脚本,用于自定义数据库逻辑.
  • 创建游戏排行榜、统计数据和成就.
  • 使用Jira作为报告工具跟踪和修复bug.
  • 为自动每日构建配置Jenkins CI/CD.
  • 重构和优化大量现有游戏代码.
  • 设计和创建2D游戏的完整UI,包括动画,声音和触觉.
Technologies: Unity, C#, Mobile Game Development, Mobile Games, Video Games, Game Development, iOS, Android, Game Tools Development, Unity2D, Unity3D, Unity3D GUI Development, 2D Games, Game Design, Firebase, PlayFab, Games, C++, 2D, API Integration, APIs, 3D, 3D Graphics, Gameplay Development, JetBrains Rider

Guns & Fury

一款以狂野西部为背景的3D动作决斗游戏,具有高度可定制的角色. 我管理着一个由美工和程序员组成的团队去创造这款备受瞩目的手机游戏. Acting as the lead programmer, 我设计了项目架构并构建了游戏中使用的许多系统.

这是一款奖励你实现一致睡眠时间表的应用程序. 你可以使用赚取的代币在游戏市场中购买虚拟房间的物品. 我在Unity中设计并开发了一个针对移动设备优化的3D实时渲染解决方案.

Battle for Basiani
这是一款我作为玩法和服务器程序员参与的2D像素美术游戏. 我创建了整个服务器后端,包括排行榜、成就等等. 我还重构并优化了旧的代码库,执行了广告并整合了社交平台.

A Swift-based, simple, elegant, 以及易于使用的网络层,使得创建HTTP请求变得更加容易, receive responses, 并将接收到的数据解析为Swift的本地对象. Available with MIT license on GitHub.


An internal gym management system made with ASP.NET Core Razor允许完整的用户管理, including payments, class scheduling, hardware integration, and user data collection and analytics.


C#, ASP.NET Razor, Swift, C++


Unity, Unity2D, Unity3D, ASP.NET Core, Unreal Engine 4, Unreal Engine


JetBrains Rider, PlayFab, Visual Studio, Blender


Game Development, Game Tools Development, Gameplay Development, Mobile Games, Video Games, Mobile Game Development, 2D Games, 2D, API Integration, APIs, Game Design, Computer Networking, Operating Systems, Web Development, Multiplayer, Unity3D GUI Development, Unity3D AI, Solana, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Games, 3D, 3D Graphics, Virtual Reality (VR), Architecture, 3D Games


MacOS, Windows, iOS, Android, Xbox, PlayStation,区块链,以太坊,Firebase,移动设备

2014 - 2021

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Free University of Tbilisi - Tbilisi, Georgia