甚至Burak Alic,土耳其安卡拉的开发者
Eren is available for hire
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Eren Burak Alic

验证专家  in Engineering


Ankara, Turkey

Eren is a computer engineer and a senior full-stack developer with 15+ years of experience building robust web and mobile applications for various clients. He also runs his own company and leads development teams, focusing on advanced techniques. 作为一名认证Scrum Master, Eren provides motivation and scrum mastering to teams in other companies.


TypeScript, NestJS, React, React Redux, Unit Testing, 集成测试...
Node.js, AngularJS, React, MongoDB, Linux, APIs, 敏捷软件开发...
Nekkra UG
JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js、CSS、Docker、AngularJS、Angular、Vue、SCSS...





Node.js, React, JavaScript, NestJS, 敏捷软件开发, 算法交易, 后端开发, 前端开发, Web Services, TypeScript


...我开发的应用程序是enviologic. It has a back end with pure JavaScript drivers that communicates with industrial devices via the serial port on Node.js.



2022 - PRESENT
  • Implemented new features and provided numerous bug fixes for an engineering front-end React app using React Hooks and React-Redux.
  • Implemented new features and provided numerous bug fixes for microservices with the usage of NestJS, TypeORM, Pub/Sub, Slack API, and GitHub API.
  • 已实现的数据库迁移, cron jobs, API的集成, 以及提供代码覆盖率的单元/集成测试.
技术:打印稿, NestJS, React, React Redux, Unit Testing, 集成测试, GitHub, GitHub API, PostgreSQL, 敏捷软件开发, 谷歌BigQuery, 谷歌Bigtable, Google Cloud, Okta, Full-stack, Front-end, Back-end, Cron, 技术文档, JavaScript, APIs, API集成, 服务器端PDF生成, Google Drive API, Docker Compose, Docker, Data Migration, Git, YARN, YML, CI / CD管道, Code Review, 源代码审查, Code Coverage, Google Pub/Sub, Slack API, Microservices, CSS, Web Services, E2E Testing, 端到端实现(E2E), Datadog, Cypress, REST APIs, 测试驱动开发(TDD), TypeORM, Debugging, TypeScript 3, Express.js, API开发, Storybook, 谷歌云平台(GCP), MERN Stack, Elasticsearch, Web开发, SQL, Agile, 单点登录(SSO)


2006 - PRESENT
  • 在Node上构建了一个健壮的REST API框架.js, which also has an ORM that can communicate with MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Oracle databases. This framework has been used in many back-end API applications.
  • Engineered a solid and robust front-end web framework for generating models, pages, and actions with an easy setup for developing faster front-end applications. 该框架已在许多项目中使用.
  • 收集客户需求, 编写技术文档, 从事技术架构项目, 创建并领导开发和营销团队.
  • Developed web and mobile applications that are still being used in several industries.
技术:节点.js, AngularJS, React, MongoDB, Linux, APIs, 敏捷软件开发, JavaScript, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), 计算机科学, SQL, Unix, Scrum, Databases, Jira, React Native, Redis, Microservices, Cryptocurrency, Cryptocurrency api, 算法交易, TradingView, Binance API, 信息系统, Kubernetes, Docker, RESTful Web服务, TypeScript, Trade Finance, Finance, CSS, HTML, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, 业务服务, 客户关系管理(CRM), eCommerce, JSON, Back-end, Front-end, HTML5, 后端开发, 前端开发, React Redux, Redux, NoSQL, MacOS, NestJS, Slack, C#.NET, Java, PHP, PostgreSQL, Objective-C, 技术招聘, Hiring, REST, Web Services, Unit Testing, 集成测试, GitHub, Cron, 技术文档, API集成, 服务器端PDF生成, Data Migration, Git, YML, CI / CD管道, Code Review, 源代码审查, Interviewing, Jest, E2E Testing, REST APIs, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), 测试驱动开发(TDD), Leadership, Management, Architecture, TypeORM, Debugging, Mentorship & Coaching, Team Mentoring, Fintech, 社交网络, 团队的领导, 远程团队领导, Stock Trading, Nonprofits, Express.js, SCSS, API开发, ECMAScript (ES6), Storybook, 材料设计, MERN Stack, Elasticsearch, Web开发, 单点登录(SSO)


2023 - 2023
Nekkra UG
  • 为Kraken搭建Docker环境.io app. 为应用和依赖项创建了容器. 简化的部署和可伸缩性.
  • Upgraded Node.将Js项目升级到最新版本. 确保兼容性并解决问题. 提升的性能.
  • Delivered extensive research on optimizing image size and quality. 实现高效的压缩技术. 强化海妖.io app.
技术:JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js、CSS、Docker、AngularJS、Angular、Vue、SCSS, API开发, Web开发, 单点登录(SSO)


2023 - 2023
  • 为项目部署配置和设置Azure, ensuring smooth deployment and seamless integration with other tools and services.
  • 在GitHub中实现了部署脚本, automating the deployment process and improving the overall efficiency of the project development cycle.
  • 有效地管理项目存储库, 确保适当的版本控制, code review, 以及团队成员之间的协作, resulting in a streamlined development workflow and increased productivity.
  • Developed the MVP project from Figma designs to React components, using TypeScript and Storybook for UI development and writing unit tests for robustness and reliability.
  • 使用NestJS实现后端, building RESTful APIs to fetch companies' financial reports from the SEC's APIs.
  • Fetched the financial reports of companies from the SEC's APIs using OpenAI GPT-3 and GPT-3.5, and performed financial analysis to provide valuable insights for decision-making.
技术:MongoDB, React, JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, TypeScript, 数据库建模, Full-stack, Redux, OpenAI GPT-3 API, OpenAI GPT-4 API, Fintech, Figma, NestJS, API集成, Azure, Architecture, 软件架构, REST APIs, REST, Trading, SCSS, API开发, Storybook, MERN Stack, Tailwind CSS, OpenAI, Web开发, Agile, 单点登录(SSO)


2021 - 2021
  • Led and trained development team members for developing robust unit and E2E tests on Node.js microservices.
  • Developed a volt-var management microservice that saves and stabilizes reactive powers on electrical feeders.
  • Made sprint plans, motivated the team, and acted as a scrum master on the Scrum team.
  • Developed Node.js packages, which help development teams build microservices easier.
  • 设计和开发Redis Graph和Apache Kafka包.
技术:节点.js, React, Redis, Apache Kafka, Microservices, APIs, 敏捷软件开发, JavaScript, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), 计算机科学, SQL, Linux, Unix, Scrum, Databases, PostgreSQL, Jira, 可再生能源, 信息系统, Kubernetes, Docker, RESTful Web服务, TypeScript, CSS, HTML, JSON, Back-end, Front-end, HTML5, 后端开发, 前端开发, React Redux, Redux, MacOS, React Native, 技术招聘, Hiring, REST, Web Services, Unit Testing, 集成测试, GitHub, Cron, 技术文档, API集成, 服务器端PDF生成, Data Migration, Git, Code Review, 源代码审查, Interviewing, Jest, E2E Testing, REST APIs, 测试驱动开发(TDD), Leadership, Architecture, Debugging, Mentorship & 教练,团队指导,TypeScript 3, Express.js, SCSS, API开发, ECMAScript (ES6), MERN Stack, Tailwind CSS, Elasticsearch, Web开发, Agile


2018 - 2018
  • Developed robust React Native components from a design mock for the mobile application.
  • 帮助后端团队成员修复Node.js和MongoDB问题.
  • Released the first version on AppStore and Google Play and ended with acceptable download rates in the first stage.
技术:React Native, Node.js, APIs, JavaScript, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), 计算机科学, Linux, Unix, Databases, Jira, MongoDB, 信息系统, Kubernetes, Docker, RESTful Web服务, CSS, HTML, JSON, Back-end, Front-end, 后端开发, 前端开发, React Redux, Redux, NoSQL, MacOS, React, REST, Web Services, HTML5, Unit Testing, Git, 源代码审查, Code Review, E2E Testing, REST APIs, Architecture, Debugging, 社交网络, Express.js, SCSS, API开发, ECMAScript (ES6), MERN Stack, 单点登录(SSO)


2011 - 2011
Sinerji Medya
  • 为iOS平台开发了一款具有可靠设计的手机益智游戏.
  • Helped back-end team handle HTTP requests, responses, authentications, and database implementations.
  • 监督发射过程, resulting in App Store as the top downloaded application in Turkey for that year with over 50,000 downloads.
技术:objective - c, APIs, JavaScript, 计算机科学, PHP, Linux, Unix, Databases, Jira, 信息系统, RESTful Web服务, CSS, HTML, JSON, Back-end, Front-end, 前端开发, 后端开发, MacOS, SQL, 游戏开发, REST, Web Services, HTML5, Git, REST APIs, Debugging, API开发, Web开发


2009 - 2010
  • Developed an application to generate sales and usage reports with some customer groups to create new strategies for the marketing team.
  • 跟踪并修复使用Jira的后端应用程序的错误.
  • Fixed performance and stability issues on the back-end projects.
Java技术:, PostgreSQL, Jira, APIs, 敏捷软件开发, 计算机科学, Linux, Unix, Databases, 信息系统, RESTful Web服务, CSS, HTML, JSON, Back-end, Front-end, 前端开发, 后端开发, MacOS, SQL, HTML5, REST, Web Services, Git, REST APIs, Debugging, Education, API开发, Web开发


2002 - 2006
  • Created a database team to gather information for domestic leagues, clubs, 俱乐部管理人员, 职业球员.
  • Built data generation algorithms for attributes of the professional players.
  • Achieved the most realistic results compared to other region managing editors. 在我工作的地区被选为第一名.
  • 为FIFA和FIFA经理游戏团队做出贡献.
Technologies: Databases, SQL, Hiring, 游戏开发, 3D Games, Web Services


Inavitas效用 is a real-time energy intelligence platform that provides customized energy efficiency and energy management solutions for all businesses to reduce the burden of energy costs and increase energy efficiency.

I acted as the lead full-stack developer to create technical architectures, 领导开发团队, 开发核心微服务, 并在前端添加了一些功能.


A React Native app that makes users meet sports buddies nearby anytime. I developed React Native components from a design mock and helped back-end developers add some features to match requirements on the mobile side using Node.js and MongoDB.


This trading bot has a custom TradingView indicator which contains the most popular ten indicators, and a Node.Js后端使交易自动化.

By the combination of these indicators, traders can make daily trades with perfect profit rates.


Developed a MEAN stack application with 100+ models and controllers such as online payments, 电子文件签署, and automated contract generations to make all of the automation in an organization.
2005 - 2011



2021年10月- 2023年10月

认证Scrum Master



Node.js, React, React Redux, REST APIs, API开发, Binance API, GitHub API, Google Drive API, Slack API, Vue


GitHub, Cron, Git, Slack, Jira, Docker Compose, Figma


NestJS, AngularJS, Redux, Jest, Express.js, React Native, YARN, Cypress, Angular,顺风CSS


JavaScript, SQL, TypeScript, HTML, HTML5, ECMAScript (ES6), CSS, Pine Script, TypeScript 3, SCSS, C++, C, C#.. NET, Java, PHP, Objective-C


Scrum, Microservices, REST, Unit Testing, 敏捷软件开发, E2E Testing, 测试驱动开发(TDD), Agile, Management


MacOS, Linux, Unix, Apache Kafka, Kubernetes, Docker, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Azure, 谷歌云平台(GCP)


MongoDB, JSON, Databases, PostgreSQL, Redis, NoSQL, 谷歌Bigtable, Google Cloud, Datadog, 数据库建模, Elasticsearch


计算机科学, Scrum Master, 算法交易, TradingView, APIs, 信息系统, RESTful Web服务, Trade Finance, 客户关系管理(CRM), Back-end, Front-end, 后端开发, 前端开发, 技术招聘, Hiring, Web Services, 集成测试, Full-stack, 技术文档, API集成, 服务器端PDF生成, TypeORM, MERN Stack, Web开发, Cryptocurrency, Cryptocurrency api, Finance, Blockchain & Cryptocurrency, 业务服务, eCommerce, Data Migration, CI / CD管道, Code Review, 源代码审查, Code Coverage, 端到端实现(E2E), Architecture, Debugging, Trading, Storybook, 可再生能源, 游戏开发, 3D Games, 谷歌BigQuery, Okta, YML, Google Pub/Sub, Interviewing, Leadership, Mentorship & Coaching, Team Mentoring, Fintech, 社交网络, Education, 团队的领导, 远程团队领导, Stock Trading, Nonprofits, OpenAI GPT-3 API, OpenAI GPT-4 API, 软件架构, 材料设计, OpenAI, 单点登录(SSO)



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