Antoine Pham,美国加州圣地亚哥的开发者
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Antoine Pham

验证专家  in Engineering



Antoine is a seasoned professional with a unique blend of skill and passion for software development, 使他在任何环境下都是无价的财富. 他的专业知识涵盖了开发周期的所有阶段, 从在初创公司组建工程团队到管理预算, architecture, 和财富500强公司的流程. His unwavering passion for software development fosters inventive thinking and collaboration, 激励团队达到新的高度.


Node.js, JavaScript,架构,Next.js、API集成





Git, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS, Windows


...我所做的就是设计, develop, deploy, 并为汉堡王维护超过500个自助售货亭, 跨越多个国家和时区.



2022 - 2023
  • 招聘并领导1-5名工程师团队, establishing a positive culture and driving success through effective people management.
  • 领导技术平台的开发,并制定了长期路线图, 从而提高公司效率, scalability, 和盈利能力.
  • 设计和监督所有系统设计和系统架构的变更, 从而优化性能并改善用户体验.
  • Utilized PHP, Angular, MySQL, Laravel, and web scraping techniques to develop robust software applications and automate data scraping processes.
  • Integrated multiple APIs and implemented machine learning algorithms to analyze and leverage data, 从而改进决策和业务成果.
  • Leveraged 亚马逊网络服务(AWS) to deploy and maintain the company's software and infrastructure.
技术:PHP、Angular、MySQL、CTO、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、人事管理、Laravel, Scraping, Web Scraping, 商店刮, Data Scraping, API集成, 机器学习, Data Analysis


2022 - 2022
  • Led a team of developers and engineers to deliver innovative solutions for healthcare services and video streaming industries.
  • 指导可扩展系统设计和最佳实践的开发, 从而优化了效率,改善了用户体验.
  • Managed development timelines and provided hands-on support as an individual contributor to ensure the timely delivery of products and features.
  • 开发并实现了所有微服务都采用的身份验证中间件, 从而提高安全性并简化开发过程.
  • Utilized Node.js, JavaScript, Next.js, and API integration to design and develop robust applications that meet the needs of the company and its customers.
技术:节点.js, JavaScript,架构,Next.js、API集成


2021 - 2022
  • Designed and developed a client-facing and internal customer portal that streamlined access to key financial data and improved user experience, 从而提高客户满意度.
  • 监督与持续部署相关的DevOps和流程改进, 从而实现更快的发布和更高的可靠性.
  • 实现了Scrum方法的改进,并利用了整个团队的速度, 提高生产力和更高质量的产出.
  • 使用JavaScript和Node.开发可扩展的Js, 满足公司及其客户需求的高性能应用程序.
  • Leveraged 亚马逊网络服务(AWS) to design and deploy scalable and reliable infrastructure that supported the company's growth and expansion.
  • Integrated multiple APIs to ensure seamless data exchange and developed robust API interfaces that improved system interoperability and performance.


2021 - 2021
  • Managed a team of 1-5 people and oversaw the successful implementation of key initiatives as an engineering lead at Endeavor Co.
  • Collaborated closely with product and design teams to build an MVP application in React, Node.. js和Azure DevOps.
  • Contributed to developing key infrastructure and back-end systems for Olympics digital services.
  • Implemented the Scrum methodology, increasing team happiness, velocity, and stakeholder visibility.
  • 敏捷方法方面的专业知识, JavaScript, TypeScript, AWS Lambda, 和API集成, 为团队的卓越技术做出贡献.
  • 展示了领导高绩效团队的能力,并在复杂的环境中推动了有影响力的结果, 具有企业工作经验的快节奏环境.
技术:敏捷、JavaScript、Node.js、TypeScript、AWS Lambda、API集成

Node.. js和Salesforce Developer

2020 - 2021
  • 开发了Verb的自定义应用程序和Salesforce之间的单点登录.
  • 构建了一个基于AWS无服务器技术的微服务流应用程序.
  • 构造自定义Salesforce驱动程序,供Verb的自定义应用程序使用.
技术:Salesforce, Node.js, JavaScript, Auth0, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), TypeScript, AWS Lambda, 亚马逊DynamoDB, API集成


2019 - 2020
  • Collaborated with a cross-functional team to build out fitness tracking integration and UI.
  • 对一个用Node编写的中间件做出了贡献.JS Express和微服务.
  • 用JavaScript和Java编写的架构化后端微服务.
  • 跟随超过100名参与者的PI计划扩展敏捷.
  • 担任前端技术主管,为最佳实践提供建议.
技术:Angular、Node.js、TypeScript、AWS Lambda、亚马逊DynamoDB、API集成、MongoDB


2019 - 2019
  • Spearheaded the growth of the technical team, expanding it from a single developer to a team of four.
  • Architected and implemented the foundation for the infrastructure to support continuous deployment.
  • 集成Stripe ACH支付处理每月经常性费用, 简化客户的付款流程.
  • Led the development of the platform's architecture, ensuring scalability, reliability, and security.
  • 监督API与第三方服务的集成, 优化系统功能,提升用户体验.


2018 - 2019
  • 为关键对象(如帐户)构建健壮且可定制的平台, invoices, and usage, 改善整体客户体验.
  • Designed and implemented a scalable and efficient Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) that was adopted company-wide, 提高性能和降低成本.
  • 带领一支优秀的UI开发团队, 推动采用最佳实践并交付高质量的产品.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to improve existing products and develop new features, 利用现代技术,比如Angular, TypeScript, 和AWS服务.
  • 参与代码审查, 指导初级开发人员, 并提倡一种不断学习和改进的文化.


2016 - 2018
  • Implemented two-way syncing between NetSuite, Salesforce, and a custom eCommerce site and portal.
  • Migrated all on-premise servers to Azure cloud, which allowed the company to scale quickly.
  • 设计了一个跨多系统的虚拟机部署系统, 包括API服务器, front end, Salesforce, NetSuite, email server, 以及多台本地机器.
  • 使用Jenkins和Bitbucket部署和设计持续集成.
  • 用Jenkins设计了一个一键部署系统,横跨多个服务器.
  • 实现了一个自定义支付处理器,每天自动向客户计费.
  • 实现谷歌分析和点击,允许跟踪大多数使用的功能.
  • 管理运营自动化开发团队.
技术:Atlassian、Agile、Async/Await、ES6 Promises、JSPM、Node.. js,测试驱动开发(TDD), Chai, Sinon.JS, Mocha, AMD, SuiteScript 2, SuiteScript 1, 企业资源规划(ERP), NetSuite, Apex, Salesforce, Angular, TypeScript, Vue, PostgreSQL


2015 - 2016
  • Created, maintained, and managed a scalable enterprise ordering and management application to process over 50,为像必胜客这样的大客户提供每日5000笔交易, Burger King, Taco Bell, KFC, and others.
  • Designed and implemented a worldwide deployment and update system that supported hundreds of machines globally, 包括防火墙后面或无线连接的.
  • Managed and led a team of front-end engineers in developing and enhancing kiosk user interfaces.
  • 为持续集成和部署开发和维护工具和系统, 包括使用Windows PowerShell的自动化脚本和批处理/shell脚本.
  • 利用各种技术,包括Jenkins, WebSockets, Socket.IO, MobX, npm, Webpack, Git, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, Koa, Gulp, Grunt, Node.js、Ionic、Bootstrap、React、AngularJS和Vue.
技术:窗户, Windows PowerShell, Batch, Shell, Unix, WordPress, Jenkins, WebSockets, Socket.IO, MobX, NPM, Webpack, Git, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, Koa, Gulp, Grunt, Node.js、Ionic、Bootstrap、React、AngularJS、Vue


2010 - 2015
  • 管理和领导不同公司的多个工程团队, overseeing the development and delivery of complex software projects that met clients' needs across various industries.
  • 从事违规评估和补救工作, 确保客户数据安全,免受网络威胁.
  • 管理一支全球离岸开发团队, providing leadership and guidance to ensure that the team delivered high-quality software solutions that met clients' needs.
  • 专注于大型企业的数字化转型, leveraging AWS, Azure, and other cloud technologies to help clients modernize their IT infrastructure and improve their business operations.
  • 开发和实施DevOps流程和工具, 包括詹金斯, Git, and Linux, 简化软件开发和部署,提高整体效率.
  • Utilized MySQL and other database technologies to design and develop scalable and secure data management solutions that met clients' needs.
  • 与NGINX合作,提高服务器性能和可扩展性, ensuring that clients' websites and applications could handle high traffic and usage levels.
  • 使用现代前端框架开发web应用程序, 包括反应, Angular, and AngularJS, and state management libraries like Flux and MobX to create highly interactive and responsive user interfaces.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Jenkins, Git, Linux, CentOS, NGINX, MySQL, Azure, Apex, Salesforce, Flux, MobX, Redux, React, Angular, AngularJS

我参与了《欧博体育app下载》的主要部分.com website. 内置在TypeScript和Node中.js,我构建了设备活动跟踪的前端和后端.

AbacusNext帐户门户- Angular 2-7
I was the lead engineer designing and doing full-stack development for the AbacusNext Account Portal.

Burger King Kiosks - AngularJS和React
I designed the front-end and deployment systems of Burger King kiosks deployed in hundreds of stores and multiple countries.

Burger King App - AngularJS/Ionic
I contributed to multiple parts in the front-end development of the US Burger King application on iOS and Android.

Netsuite ERP集成

编写SuiteScript 2.0 code to sync data between Netsuite and a custom application written in Angular and Node.js.

Salesforce CRM

Wrote Apex classes and triggers which allowed syncing of data between Salesforce and a custom application written in Node.ja and Angular.

Node Electron和Vue的本地跨平台应用.js

Node Electron
Microsoft Azure AD单点登录
MySQL - AngularJS



SuiteScript 2, CSS3, CSS, CSS2, CSS4, SCSS, HTML5, HTML4, HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, SuiteScript 1, APEX Code, Apex, Excel VBA, PHP, Batch, Solidity, Java, GraphQL, Python


Koa, Angular, Redux, Angular Material, AngularJS, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Next.. js, OAuth 2, Flux, Windows PowerShell, Hapi.js, Ionic 4, Ionic 3, Ionic 2, Ionic, Bootstrap 3+, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 2, Bootstrap, Express.js, Jest, Electron, Laravel


Salesforce API, Node.js, Chai, Sinon.JS, Azure API管理, Office 365 API, SendGrid API, 詹金斯管道, NetSuite API, React, REST APIs, CreativeJS, Sockets, Socket.IO, D3.js, Vue Material, Vue, Vuex, Vue 2, MobX, Twilio API, jQuery, Bing Maps, Google Maps, 谷歌分析API, Stripe API, Stripe, PayPal API, React Redux


Mailchimp, VPN, SendGrid, Stash, JSPM, Jenkins, Webpack, Git, Bitbucket, Jira, Confluence, Atlassian, NPM, Webpack 2, Webpack 3, Webpack 4, HeidiSQL, NGINX, JSX, Sequelize, GitLab, GitHub, Grunt, Vue CLI, MySQL工作台, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Gulp, Shell, Mocha, GitLab CI/CD, MS Exchange, Microsoft Exchange Online, 谷歌分析, RabbitMQ, Azure密钥库, Angular CLI, Terraform, Adobe的分析, Auth0


MEAN Stack, 敏捷软件开发, Agile Workflow, 敏捷项目管理, 需求分析, Scrum, Agile, DevOps, 桌面应用开发, API架构, Web架构, REST, 渗透测试, Kanban, 持续集成(CI), 持续交付(CD), 持续部署, Testing, 对象关系映射(ORM), 套接字编程, 测试驱动开发(TDD), 测试驱动开发, Management


亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Azure, Azure PaaS, Azure IaaS, AWS Lambda, Salesforce, CentOS, CentOS 6, Linux CentOS 7, Linux, MacOS, Unix, AMD, Twilio, Docker, Kubernetes, Windows, 区块链平台, Blockchain, Ethereum, Windows桌面, WordPress, Oracle, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


Azure SQL, MySQL, 亚马逊DynamoDB, MongoDB, JSON, Google Cloud, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), PostgreSQL


单点登录(SSO), MERN Stack, Videos, 软件项目管理, 软件开发管理, Tracking, Analytics, 谷歌标签管理器, Agile Sprints, Domains & Hosting, 域名注册, 域DNS设置, Office 365, Emailers, Email, CRM Systems, GitFlow, 页面级需求, 业务需求, 用户需求, Requirements & 规范, Requirements, 产品管理, NetSuite, Apex Triggers, Salesforce顶点, Apex Classes, 私有NPM模块, ESLint, Vue-router, 企业资源规划(ERP), 软件开发, Architecture, APIs, Back-end, Cloud, 软件架构, Enterprise, 网站速度优化, 团队管理, AWS云开发工具包(CDK), Communication, Leadership, CTO, 人才管理, Scraping, Web Scraping, 商店刮, Data Scraping, API集成, 远程桌面, 套接字通信, WebSockets, OAuth, Excel Macros, eCommerce, SOAP, 技术领导, ES6 Promises, Async/Await, Chrome扩展, Ajax, 前端开发, 前端设计, Front-end, Interviewing, 用户界面(UI), 用户体验(UX), Maps, SEO Content, Google SEO, SEO Testing, 社会工程, 计算机安全, 电脑维修, Hardware, 支付网关, Payment APIs, 条纹支付, PayPal, 以太坊智能合约, ERC-20, Bitcoin, Bootstrap UI, 消息队列, 单页应用(SPA), Serverless, App UI, 人员管理, 机器学习, Data Analysis







认证Scrum Master (CSM)

Scrum Alliance