Roman is available for hire
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Roman Pittner

Verified Expert  in Design


Prague, Czech Republic
Toptal Member Since
March 16, 2017

Roman帮助构建和发布了全球数千万人使用的应用程序. As the sole product designer at Dubsmash, 他是该应用程序开发团队的一员,该应用程序在美国短视频市场上排名第二,月浏览量超过10亿. 在Reddit工作期间,Roman负责监督直播视频产品的设计. 他目前在Pitch帮助创建演示软件的未来, one of the top European SaaS startups.


Work Experience

Senior Product Designer

2022 - PRESENT
  • 设计了一个演示模板市场,成为公司用户增长的最大贡献者之一.
  • 与产品经理和软件开发团队密切合作, 为他们提供详细的设计规范和用户流程.
  • 创建了广泛的UI设计概念,并为统一的设计系统做出了贡献.
Technologies: Framer, Figma, App UI, Web UI, User Flows, Web UX, Web Design, Web App UI, Web App UX, App UX, Wireframing, iOS, Android, UX Design, User Interface (UI), Dashboard Design, UI Design, Web UX Design, Conversion Rate, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Mobile UX, User Experience (UX), Product Design, Notion, Digital Product Design, Information Architecture (IA), B2B, User Journeys, Complex Application User Interfaces (UI), Visual Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), SaaS Design, Marketplaces, Marketplace Design, Landing Page Design, Websites, Design Systems

Product Designer

2021 - 2022
  • 通过重新设计和简化Reddit的视频录制和播放器UI,作为更广泛的设计师团队的一部分,帮助提高了每日视频浏览量.
  • 采访版主,重新设计版主界面,以提高平台的安全性.
  • 参与定期的设计评论和反馈会议.
Technologies: UX Design, UI Design, Figma, Web UX, Web Design, Web App UI, Web App UX, App UI, App UX, User Flows, Wireframing, iOS, Android, User Interface (UI), Web UI, Web UX Design, Apps, Conversion Rate, Google Material Design, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Mobile UX, Framer, Mobile App Design, User Experience (UX), Product Design, Digital Product Design, Material Design, Information Architecture (IA), User Journeys, Complex Application User Interfaces (UI), Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX Design, Mobile Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Websites, Design Systems

Product Designer

2018 - 2021
  • 帮助Dubsmash在四年内以每月10亿的浏览量在短视频市场排名第二.
  • 通过建立和维护基于人机界面指南和材料设计的设计系统,保持UI的一致性和工程过程的效率.
  • 帮助确定新功能的优先级,并通过进行竞争分析提供可操作的学习.
  • 在整个实施过程中,通过日常的scrum与工程团队紧密合作, 从最初的概念到高保真的交互原型, flows, and pixel-perfect mockups.
Technologies: UX Design, UI Design, Sketch, Figma, Framer, Web UX, Web Design, Web App UI, Web App UX, App UI, App UX, User Flows, Wireframing, iOS, Android, User Interface (UI), Web UI, Web UX Design, Apps, Microcopy, Conversion Rate, Google Material Design, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Mobile UX, Mobile App Design, User Experience (UX), Product Design, Notion, Digital Product Design, Material Design, Information Architecture (IA), User Journeys, Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX Design, Mobile Design, Visual Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Landing Page Design, Graphic Design, Banner, Websites, 2D Graphics, Design Systems

Product Designer and Co-founder

2017 - 2018
  • 设计了一款新型的旅游应用——一个连接游客和当地导游的混合平台.
  • 精心设计了一个复杂的地图解决方案,专注于位置共享和附近景点和活动的智能推荐.
  • 设计虚拟旅行助手(bot)的用户体验, 如何帮助用户找到适合自己的活动.
  • 创建交互设计,使用Framer定义应用程序中的所有动画和运动.js.
Technologies: Sketch, Web UX, Web Design, Web App UI, Web App UX, App UI, App UX, User Flows, Wireframing, iOS, Android, UX Design, User Interface (UI), Web UI, UI Design, Web UX Design, Apps, Microcopy, Google Material Design, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Mobile UX, Framer, User Interviews, User Testing, Mobile App Design, User Experience (UX), Product Design, Digital Product Design, Information Architecture (IA), Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX Design, Mobile Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Landing Page Design, Graphic Design, Websites

Product Designer

2017 - 2018
  • 使用待完成的工作方法进行用户访谈,并帮助定义整体产品策略.
  • 通过引入快速原型和用户测试,将功能发布时间从几周缩短到几天.
  • 收集、管理和实现客户反馈和特性请求.
  • 通过登陆页面转换优化,帮助生成数百个合格的销售线索.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, Web UX, Web Design, Web App UI, Web App UX, App UI, App UX, Wireframing, iOS, Android, UX Design, User Interface (UI), Web UI, Dashboard Design, UI Design, Web UX Design, Apps, Microcopy, Conversion Rate, Google Material Design, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Mobile UX, Framer, User Interviews, User Testing, Mobile App Design, User Experience (UX), Product Design, Digital Product Design, Information Architecture (IA), B2B, User Journeys, UX Audits, Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX Design, Mobile Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Webflow, SaaS Design, Landing Page Design, Graphic Design, Banner, Websites, 2D Graphics

Product Designer and Consultant

2008 - 2018
Freelance Clients
  • 为各种初创公司提供视觉和用户体验设计咨询, 包括大型商业智能和分析平台.
  • 为300人使用的捷克最大的学生和教师社交网络设计视觉效果和用户体验,000 people, 定义功能和视觉风格.
  • 为捷克一家教育科技创业公司进行用户测试和面试.
  • 为一家处理视频识别的机器学习初创公司提供设计咨询.
  • 为沃达丰和诺基亚等客户制作大型广告活动的视觉设计.
Technologies: Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, Figma, Framer, Adobe Illustrator, Web UX, Web Design, Web App UI, eCommerce Design, Web App UX, App UI, App UX, Wireframing, iOS, Android, UX Design, User Interface (UI), WordPress Themes, Web UI, UI Design, Web UX Design, Apps, eCommerce UX, Conversion Rate, Google Material Design, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Mobile UX, User Interviews, User Testing, Mobile App Design, User Experience (UX), Product Design, Digital Product Design, Information Architecture (IA), B2B, User Journeys, UX Audits, Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX Design, Mobile Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Landing Page Design, eCommerce, Graphic Design, Websites, 2D Graphics

UX/UI Designer for ClassDojo Mini Apps

2017 - 2017
  • 与产品团队一起为ClassDojo教师应用程序设计新功能,如Toolkit.
  • 探索每个特性的多种功能和设计解决方案.
  • 与产品团队紧密合作,每天收集反馈和要求.
  • 贡献超出任务要求的新特性想法.
  • 准备了使用Zeplin进行开发的最终设计.
Technologies: Sketch, Web UX, Web Design, Web App UI, Web App UX, UX Design, User Interface (UI), Web UI, UI Design, Web UX Design, User Experience (UX), Digital Product Design, Visual Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Websites

Senior UX Designer and Developer Team Lead

2013 - 2017
TRIAD Advertising
  • Led web and mobile development for digital ad campaigns targeting millions of users in Europe and Central Asia; consulted on product design.
  • Managed a team of up to 10 people, coordinating web developers with designers, copywriters, and production staff.
  • 为百事可乐、宜家、O2、M等客户进行日常设计工作&M's, Pilsner Urquell, and Tchibo.
  • Received web design and marketing awards, including CSS Reel, Golden Nail, and Online and Interactive Awards.
  • 设计真实世界的广告体验,例如使用微软Kinect.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Web UX, Web Design, Web App UI, Web App UX, App UI, App UX, Wireframing, Sketch, iOS, Android, UX Design, User Interface (UI), Web UI, UI Design, Web UX Design, Apps, eCommerce UX, Microcopy, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Mobile UX, Framer, User Interviews, User Testing, Mobile App Design, User Experience (UX), Product Design, Digital Product Design, Information Architecture (IA), B2B, UX Audits, Mobile UI Design, Mobile UX Design, Mobile Design, Visual Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Landing Page Design, eCommerce, Graphic Design, Banner, Websites, 2D Graphics

Web Designer

2012 - 2013
  • 精心制作的网络和平面设计为最大的捷克音乐节之一.
  • 为电子商务解决方案设计视觉效果和用户体验,从小众产品电子商店到大型电子商店,000-product catalogs.
  • 为捷克流行的音乐乐队和名人设计网页.
  • 为医疗保健部门设计网络和广告活动, including Linet, 世界主要医院设备制造商之一.
Technologies: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Web UX, Web Design, Web App UI, eCommerce Design, Web App UX, Wireframing, UX Design, User Interface (UI), Web UI, UI Design, Web UX Design, eCommerce UX, User Experience (UX), Responsive Web Design (RWD), Landing Page Design, eCommerce, Websites
2008 - 2013

Master's Degree in Psychology

Masaryk University - Brno, Czech Republic

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